Youth Spring Break Mission
4G Students held a local youth mission work trip during Spring break. Middle school students from Brackettville took the opportunity to...

Freedom Conference
In February, Brother YJ, was invited to put on a Freedom Conference in Mescalero, NM. Our team was able to stay in a lodge owned by...

Baptist Men's Meeting
This March, we hosted the Del Rio Uvalde Baptist Association Men’s Meeting. Wives were invited to the event that was held at Ft. Clark...

Financial Peace University
This Spring, our Church hosted Financial Peace University, led by Charlie and Rhonda Marquardt. A total of 14-16 individuals attended the...

Children's Ministry News
December is an exciting month for our Children’s Ministry! In Children’s Church we are learning the meaning of different Christmas Carols...

2017 Native American Mission Trip
Our Native American Mission Trip was a huge blessing. We served under the leadership of Harlin and Karen Knight of the Louisiana Shoebox...

Simmons Family Fundraiser
Amanda Simmons is undergoing major Heart Surgery. Come support her and join us for a fun evening of Dinner, Live Music and Auction....

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 10-14 from 9:00 am until noon. All children who have completed Pre-K or Kinder through the...

Baby Dedication: April 9, 2017
11:00 a.m. - Sunday, April 9th, 2017 First Baptist Church, 301 North Ann Street, Brackettville, Texas Questions: Call (830) 563-2245 or...

Easter Egg Hunt: April 15, 2017
10:00 a.m. - Saturday, April 15th, 2017 First Baptist Church, 301 North Ann Street, Brackettville, Texas Questions: Call (830) 563-2245...